Saxophone Lessons

Call 407-490-1276

private music lessons from

About Us

We hold ourselves to a standard that's higher than anyone else in the industry. Put us to the test, and you'll see.

Chris Yarn - Vocalist

We love music and people!

Our Mission

It's always about you

For a limited time Dave Stewart would like to give back and teach Saxophone lessons in his new home base of Orlando. David had the opportunity as a 10 year old to learn from a great instructor Sonny LaRosa, and he wants to help inspire new young musicians as he was inspired. Dave has a tight Schedule between gigs and touring with AL Green  but contact us and we will try and find a time that meets your needs.

Simply put, our mission is devoted to you--making the most of your musical talent and helping you achieve your goals.

The highest integrity

Dave is more passionate about Music than anyone I know. He will take the time to create a custom plan for you to always bring you up to that next level.